Richard Parsons is a professional full-time magician, pickpocket, entertainer and performer based in Gloucestershire, UK, who travels across the country and abroad performing to many different events and functions with his skills and charm.


Richard is one of only a few full-time performers who specialise in the 'Art of Pickpocketing' or the 'Art of The Dip', delighting audiences in both close-up situations and on stage with his fast fingers, comedy, wit and easy charm.

For more informations about hiring Richard as a theatrical stage pickpocket for your event and to check availability email him now:

An honest thief!

As Gloucestershire’s very own Fagin and Artful Dodger he can certainly ‘pick a pocket or two’ ... but don’t worry, unlike the cunning characters in Oliver Twist Richard is a good pickpocket to meet - he gives everything back!

Watch in awe as unsuspecting volunteers (your work colleagues?!) are temporarily relieved of their wallets, watches, phones and other items - all with a hint of comedy & theatrics to thoroughly entertain the audience.

Warning sign on a wall in Venice, Italy
©️ Richard Parsons 2015

He has been hired by Gloucestershire Police on numerous occasions as a Pickpocket consultant, working with their Harm Reduction Unit to show the general public the tactics and misdirection of criminal pickpocket gangs - thus aiding crime prevention. His pickpocketing has taken him to Venice, Italy for three large corporate events, to London’s Olympia for security trade shows, as well as leading to being hired to give keynote speeches & presentations for law firms and security firms.

Richard's Act, and theatrical pickpocketing skills are perfect for:

  • Police & Crime Prevention open days
  • Security Trade Shows
  • Keynote speeches
  • Film consultancy
  • Lectures on misdirection and distraction
  • Pickpocketing psychology and slang talks
  • After-dinner spots at Corporate Events
  • Stage Shows
  • Put-Pocketing items into peoples' pockets (e.g. marketing materials)
  • Consultancy Work
  • Travel Companies
  • Travel Trade Shows
  • Anti-Virus Companies
  • Awards Ceremonies
  • Black-tie Dinners

Member of The Magic Circle

Richard is a full Member of the world-famous ‘Magic Circle’, the oldest and most prestigious magic club in the world. Entry to The Magic Circle is via audition only - and he successfully passed his audition in 2012. Currently there are only around 1500 members across the entire globe.

Member of Equity

Richard is a member of Equity - the trade union for professional performers & actors through which he also holds full Public Liability Insurance (PLI).

In the Press

As a specialist in picking pockets Richard has featured in newspapers, magazines and on BBC Radio Gloucestershire several times.